Literatura, Tratat despre fluturi, Gheorghe Apetroae Sibiu
Gheorghe Apetroae Sibiu
Fluturi roşii
fluturi negri
fluturi albi,
în dansul vântului
adorm pe cer
mici temple călătoare —
şirag de borangic —
Fluturi albi
fluturi roşii
fluturi negri,
cu cerul razelor in aripi
adună din alese flori —
incinerează primul nor...
Fluturi negri
fluturi albi
fluturi roşii,
brâie-n văzduh
într-un decor azur...
ninsori de îngeri blânzi
cu soarele în aripi...
Fluturi roşii
fluturi negri
fluturi albi,
neînceputul de culori
al ochilor albaştri...
fluturi albi,
fluturi negri, fluturi roşii…
~~~Treatise on Butterflies
Red butterflies
black butterflies
white butterflies,
rocked by the dance of the wind,
fall asleep in the sky
small migratory temples –
floss silk string –
White butterflies
red butterflies
black butterflies,
carrying the sky of rays on their wings
they pick up the nectar
out of the esquisite flowers –
fairy – like bouquet –
their nectar cremate the first cloud...
black butterflies
white butterflies
red butterflies,
belts in the air
set in an azure scenery...
Snowfalls of quiet angels
carrying the sun on their wings...
Red butterflies
black butterflies
white butterflies,
the unspoiled colours
of the blue eyes...
white butterflies,
black butterflies, red butterflies…
Tratat despre fluturi~~~

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